05 January 2012

on the topic of journals

I have found the intense interest in journals this past year pretty interesting. It would seem that everyone is looking at them in a new light.

I've kept one for as long as I can remember. When art found its way into my life, it went from just writing to also random sketches and a little bit of scrapbook action when I would tack in an inspiration photo or a card from an exhibit I liked.

But with all the excitement over the past year, its gotten me to wondering if my humble journaling habits aren't...I don't know...artistic enough?

I don't sketch. I don't draw. I don't watercolor. There's nothing epic in there. 

Its just me and my words and a small porthole into my head.

I've been journaling too long this way to change it. It suits me. And for some reason, this year I decided I wanted a super fancy journal. I get a new one every year. For 2012 I wanted something special and pretty to spend my time with. 

Here is what I chose:

Its a little rough around the edges, lots of pages. It can handle a sharpie.

Its got pretty much everything I need. Now I just need to fill it:

I've realized that there are some practices I have that I consider sacred. And this is one of them. I write on the computer all the time but there is an entirely different feeling to writing by hand, having to go slower, feeling the scrape of the marker against the paper.

Its meditation and peace and almost like a prayer.

One page at a time.


Anonymous said...

I, too, am fasinated by the art journal epidemic. I have been keeping a journal forever in a large spiral bound sketchbook. It has everything from to do lists to drawings to floor plans for my studio. I am trying to get enthused by all the colored and stenciled and modified backgrounds to dash a few words on. but I cannot. I have so little time to make the art I want to make that it seems a waste to put that time into the sketchbook. But, writing down ideas and even crude drawings of ideas is really necessary--otherwise they are gone. Lera

Leann said...

I think sometimes the current art journal craze is too much about finished product and less about learning and exploring. Those that keep it going for years use it as a tool, it is obvious from your work you are ever learning, ever progressing.

Thea Belecz said...

I was so glad to see this blog today. I have kept a journal for decades now. As I became an artist, I added in "art thoughts" and thumbnail sketches. I feel like "Anonymous" does.. I have so little time to make my art, an elaborate journal is an irritating idea.

Thanks, Lynn. Your journal itself is beautiful - enjoy your time with it!

Linda Branch Dunn said...

My high school art teacher required her students keep a sketchbook: my first lesson in Draw Something, Anything. Now I feel naked without it. Yes, mine too looks very different from those on-line. Lots of wandering and thinking. Sometimes, years later, an idea surfaces and grows into a finished piece.

janice said...

Impressive book, looks strong enough to take everything you can throw at it.

Jeannie said...

I have also kept a written journal since 1995, but I have never ventured into art journaling. I think this will be the year that I keep a sketch journal. I want to practice drawing. Your new journal is beautiful. My brother made me a fountain pen for Christmas out of olive wood. I think I can write beautiful words now, because of the pen - lol!

Kat Campau said...

My journals are full of thoughts too. I find it more difficult to make them artsy. They hold history, fears, and musings. And the sketches they contain are to hep me remember what I want to make, not to show off as art.