ATC mounted on 6"x6" mat board
Materials: ATC with turtle image from hand carved stamp, hand made paper, fabric, beads
Wow, its already July! Seems like this year is just flying by in a flurry of activity! As its the 5th of the month, its time to put up a new Good News Giveaway and announce June's winner.
The Random Number Generator pulled #10 which makes Judi the winner. Here is the comment she left:
I live in a small rural town where in the summer the populations quadruples, we have a small restaurant/tavern where not one but two of their employees had to take time off one because she broke her foot in 5 places and the other because she has cancer. I donated 2 quilts to a silent auction to help pay for medical expenses. We no sooner got this benefit done when a third person who worked there passed away so we had another benefit for her family. I love your small piece and if I won it I would donate it to another cause to raise funds for someone.
Congrats Judi, I hope Ginkgo Imprint brings some happiness to your life or someone else's, bless you for all your hard work at helping others!
July's artwork is shown above, got into the spirit of summer a little bit (turtles remind me of summer, don't ask me why 'cause I don't know). I've also been doing a lot of non-art quilt stuff lately so this month's artwork features an ATC that I made. The turtle and track marks above it and below it are stamped from stamps I carved myself. The strip behind it is fabric and lastly the little square blue beads add a pop of color.
So if you like Turtle Tracks, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post to get into the drawing. Here are the rules again:
Leave a comment on this post to be in the running BUT there are five golden rules you must follow concerning your comment in order to be included in the drawing:
1) Leave a comment about someone or something that is positive and helping to make your life or someone else's life less stressful.
2) NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTS. You have to use at least your first name and the first letter of your last initial. Why? Because there is no way to identify you if you don't. If you leave an anonymous comment, it won't go into the drawing.
3) Keep your comments to no more then five sentences. We don't want to torture Blogger with excessively long comments. (It can be cranky so let's not try.)
4) Comments must appear on this post. I'm a pretty regular blogger so take a gander at my sidebar on the right. You'll see a link list to each post that is a Good News Giveaway so if you don't come to visit on the exact day a new drawing goes up, you can find it easily and still leave a comment.
5) You can't post the same comment twice. The goal of this is to find things in our lives that are positive and make us smile, so look hard if you have to but find it.
You'll have until the last day of each month to comment to win that month's giveaway. The winner will be announced when the next month's giveaway goes up on the 5th of the new month along with the winning comment so everyone can enjoy it.
Happy commenting!
I've been in a bit of a creative funk lately...a lot of stress and changes going on around me that have taken my focus. So rather than sit and have a one person pity party I've decided to make 2 quilts for Operation Kid Comfort. I got my kits for them yesterday and I wish I could be there when the children receive them. It feels good to do something to put a smile on the face of a child who is missing their parent!
I love turtles. They remind me of Hawaii. I love visiting Hawaii. And when I come across a turtle they bring me GLEE! ~ Lisa E., cutienbo@hotmail.com
Please forgive me. I'm new to this blogging thing... I don't have a google account, or an open id, the name/url doesn't seem to work with my name and email address... not ready for my own blog yet... so I'm gonna break rule #2 and choose Anonymous! I put my name and email above. P.S. if you have the patience, I'd love to know which one I'm supposed to use and how to use it. OOPS! broke rule #3 w/long post. ;)
I love quilting, art and all things colorful. My husband supports everything I do and is always there for me.
Thank you I can't believe I won.
Love the turtle--it makes me think of reptiles & amphibians thus the injured garter snake I've been tending. Slithers was first discovered in our garden about four years ago; he reappears every spring and we look for him every time we go out the front door. We noticed recently he had a serious gash; when the bugs moved in,my 9-year-old son freaked so I sprung into action, cleaning them out and taking Slithers to a local herp vet. Until he's healed, Slithers is living in a tank in my dining room; every three days I have to give him a shot (snakes do not like shots) and find him a sacrificial toad from the neighbor's window wells. Both son and snake are feeling much better.
I am due to have a baby boy at the end of this month (July). It is my second child, my first is a girl, age 5. My neighbor Tig, an older, wiser soul insisted on giving me a shower although I tried to talk her out of it saying it was a second baby, etc, etc. She refused to listen so I had a beautiful shower and now she has called saying that she's organized meals for after deilvery. What a blessing!
B. Pekins
I knew if I waited a little while July would slow down for me and I would have something positive to post. ;-) A huge smile on my face that I suddenly realized this morning as I forced myself to continue heading to the clubhouse pool to jog laps (day 5)that it is actually making me feel good! It is wonderful for my achey bones but added benefit? great stress buster!YAY!
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