I had a date with my thermofax machine today. I haven't made new screens in a while and I think I might have gotten a wee bit overzealous:
Part of the reason for my enthusiasm is that I'm participating in Open Studios for Cloth Paper Scissors at International Quilt Festival next month in Rosemont, IL. I'll be flinging paint about (I'll be aiming for the fabric, don't worry) via thermofax printing. I'll let you know when I get my schedule, would love to see you!
Burning the screens is the easy part. Its the taping off the edges that I find tedious. But I did find something to make it a little more festive:
Bright red duct tape! I don't know why but it thrills me to no end. It helped ease the dirty looks I wanted to give it as the devil stuff stuck to everything that dared to get within two inches of it.
I've been asked several times if I offer burning thermofax screens as a service. I've decided to give it a whirl, should have the details worked out in the next few days. I'll post them when I do and we'll kick it off with a screen giveaway so stay tuned.
And as there was no trauma in the studio today (no ill placed needles or mutant bugs threatening to suck my brain out), I stuck around and started a new art journal. No, I'm not done with the other one yet but I have some ideas that need to be executed in a new one. One of which is the color scheme, I'm going to do black, white and grey in this one:
Its so in the beginning stages right now. Not much to look at but the sharp contrast is really thrilling me. I'd like to say that I will adhere strictly to only those three colors but, well, you know. Its unlikely to happen. I'll keep plodding away at it and see how it works out.
I gotta get some focus. I'm all over the place right now with the things that I'm working on and I think tomorrow I'm going to make a list. Me and deadlines have been having a tumultuous relationship lately. They apparently have no idea just how bossy I can be when I put my mind to it...
Oooooh, what an interesting process! I wanna come over and play :) Loving the black and white, too.
Looking forward to meeting you again in Chicago. We were in class with Rayna together, but didn't get to chat much. It was a busy class. I live in Commerce and will be in Chicago with some friends from one of Donna's groups.
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