12 March 2010

another weekly challenge chick

One of my favorite things about this blog (and the internet in general really) is that I get to "meet" people I would probably otherwise never get a chance to.

Last year I became acquainted with another talented fiber artist (we're everywhere I tell you) named Anne French. She lives in Ohio and had an incredible 3D fiber/clay tea set in Blurred Boundaries last year that really blew me away. (The tea set was a collaboration between Anne and clay artist Nancy Beeman. Really incredible work.)

She has a blog called 1000 Fibers and is working on an very cool weekly challenge. She put 52 words into a hat and is now pulling a word a week and making a piece of fiber art from that word. Here is the piece that she made in Week 6:

Head by Anne French

I know that I've found my Where I Stand project far more challenging now that I'm making something off the photos so hats off to Anne!

I've been enjoying what she's been doing and thought you might as well so head on over there and check her out.

1 comment:

Jean Baardsen said...

Thanks for sharing this! I visited her blog, and I love her work!