24 October 2009

how to pass a cold dim drizzly saturday...

Today is one of those days that begs for indoor activity. Temps rolled around in the 40's and it rained allllllll day. I had planned to go to a fiber festival today but when I woke up and couldn't figure out if it was still early morning (it wasn't, it was 9:30am but so overcast outside it still looked early), I decided to hibernate and venture out tomorrow.

Dooley hovered. I puttered. Here's some random:

1) NaNoWriMo is beginning again in about another week. I will be engaging in the madness once again, hopefully finally finishing what I started last year. Ignore any hysterical sobbing that might be coming from the general direction of Michigan.*

2) I began Christmas knitting today. (Repeat * statement from above.)

3) I am determined to give this blog a better look. I'm digging the three column look, but not the I've-been-stepped-on-by-an-elephant vibe. We are working to correct that, a professional has been contacted, bear with me...

4) My brother sent me an email today that Clive Owen is shooting a new movie and parts of it will be filmed in my hometown. I plan to gawk shamelessly and hopefully catch a glimpse of this man. I will need to decide in advance just how stupid I am willing to make myself look in order to view him.

5) I'm working on stock for an upcoming art show the fiber art group I belong to is putting on in about a month (more details to follow soon). I am obsessively creating little bitty things that I hope the general public will find appealing. If not, then I know what everyone is getting for Christmas. Its just nice to have my creative mojo back.

6) Tomorrow I clean the chaos that I created in the dining room over the past couple of months of having no energy to even attempt to stay organized. (Repeat * statement from above.)

7) Dooley was a fidgety little punk today. Chirping and pacing and just generally determined to step all over my last nerve. Luckily he uses his cuteness as a weapon and my irritation never lasts more then five seconds.

8) Dr. Pepper is good.

9) I tatted today. (Link provided for those of you who may confuse it with tatoos.) I'm beginning to wonder why I gravitate to incredibly tedious teeny tiny art forms as means of relaxation (tatting, lace knitting, embroidery...)...

10) My printer software automatically installs some crappy print-art-creation software that has installed a bar that floats on my desktop and directly links to their website. I've uninstalled the program, cussed, searched the user manual, cussed, and shot off a spiteful email to the offending software company yet the devil thing remains. Its making me twitch...it needs to go away...it needs to go away...it needs to go away...

One of the things I like best about this weather is all the blankets I get to pull out and bury myself under. There's a certain bliss to laying in bed all cozy and warm and calm. I imagine its how Dooley feels with all the fur he wears. In fact, they are calling my name now, must. obey...

1 comment:

kathy n said...

I am jealous of the drizzle and the need for warmer clothes (still wearing shorts today) and the need for blankets (almost need them at night...not quite).