08 June 2007

busy, busy

Even though I haven't been posting much about artwork, I've been working frantically on some new pieces. They aren't done enough to show but during construction, I took this picture. I thought it was pretty neat just by itself and it has given me some new ideas of what I'd like to work on once these projects are done.

I've got three more tight deadlines to meet for July and while I secretly chastise myself that I shouldn't wait until the last minute, the truth of the matter is that this is just how my schedule rolls. There seems to be no getting around it. I work at least ten hours every day at my day job and then come home, try to take a break for an hour or so and then drag myself into my studio. It just doesn't allot me a lot of time.

So I've grown used to working under the gun. I sometimes think it makes me more creative. I've always said that there is nothing more inspirational then a deadline. But then I often wonder if I sell my artwork short and it could grow up to be something better if I had more time to work on it.

But in the end, I think it just matters that I'm working and that its quality. I just wonder what else is lurking in my brain that would work itself out if there were more hours in the day and/or I didn't require sleep.

So tomorrow I plan to bury myself in my studio to finish the last member of this trio I'm working on. Never mind the fact that my poor doggie needs a bath in the worst way (he's a little stinky right now), the weeds are up to my knees (I'm short but still, not good) and there isn't any food in the house. At least my art will get done!

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