08 November 2010

shop update - the obsession continues

I am a thermofax screen printing addict. I'm sure you hadn't noticed. I mean, its not like I never talk about it here or anything. (Insert heavy sarcasm...)

I popped some new designs in the shop last night and wanted to help share the obsession by giving them a wee little mention here.

Screen printing really doesn't get any easier then this. I have several customers who purchase screens from me after buying a home screen printing system (we won't mention any names) and finding it was hard to work with.

I've taken alllll that work out of it for you. You can screen print your tote bags. Your clothes. Your curtains. Your greeting cards. Anything that will stand still and lacks the ability to complain (which is the polite way of saying you may want to avoid printing on living things, they generally don't like it).

Go forth. Screen print the world with reckless abandon. Be wild. Join the obsession!

1 comment:

Leann said...

Very cool designs, I've always loved those birds!